26 Jul

We see more and more people traveling alone. The reasons can be many, whether by choice or out of spite. Offbeat holiday dates, the desire to go beyond your limits, an atypical destination ... It doesn't matter, because traveling alone allows you to merge with the local culture, but beware of moments of solitude! Still, hesitating? We have listed the advantages and disadvantages of going on a solo trip. 

Immersion, encounters, freedom… The advantages of traveling alone

 If you've seen the movie Into the Wild, then there's a good chance you'll remember the moral of the story: “Happiness is only real when it's shared”. Does that have to keep you from leaving? Certainly not! Because it is not because your partner does not have the same vacation dates as you or that your best friend does not have the same desires that you should deprive yourself! And above all, going alone does not mean traveling alone! Because as soon as you arrive there, you will multiply the opportunities to meet locals or travelers. When you find yourself alone in a completely unknown country, you feel more inclined to talk to strangers, if only to ask for directions. 


 Traveling solo is also having the opportunity to take stock, to reflect, to find yourself alone with yourself. Without being constantly asked by your colleagues, friends, or family, you will be able to fill up on time for yourself and begin an important introspection. By leaving your comfort zone, you also increase your chances of living unique experiences and empowering yourself by being able to rely only on yourself. It can be scary, said like that, but it's actually a great way to gain self-confidence while developing your skills! With all this, one would almost forget one of the main advantages of traveling alone:  freedom! With no one behind you to brake or steer you, nor any concession to make on your desires, you remain in control of your itinerary throughout the adventure. So if you find a little piece of heaven, you can stay there for as long as you like! And at the end of your journey, you will have the joy of not only finding your home but also all your loved ones to whom you can tell your adventures. 

To sum up, here are the main advantages of traveling alone:

  • Freedom
  • Meetings
  • The immersion
  • Introspection
  • The development of self-confidence
  • The happiness of coming back

Responsibility, solitude, safety… The disadvantages of traveling alone

 Who says advantages often says disadvantages… Unfortunately, all solo travelers have already encountered some difficulties related to their situation. The first problem is, of course, loneliness. Because even if your road will be strewn with multiple encounters, they will generally be ephemeral, and the moral weight of this succession of meetings and farewells can quickly become a burden. To overcome this difficulty, we advise you to travel with a smartphone or a computer that will allow you to easily reach your loved ones in the event of a stroke of the blues or if you absolutely want to share a discovery that you have just made. 

Solo trip

 Another thing, the freedom offered by solo travel can also turn into a disadvantage. Because by being free of your route, you are also responsible for it. All the decisions to be made on your adventure will be up to you and you alone, which can quickly become overwhelming. Especially since these decisions will also have to take into account the safety aspect of your trip when you are alone, it is difficult to be escorted back to your hotel room when you come home late, and you cannot entrust your things to anyone when you want to go swimming in the sea ... So do not hesitate to join networks of solo travelers to travel accompanied for a part of the way. 

To summarize, here are the main disadvantages of traveling alone:

  • No sharing of the different discoveries
  • Often too fleeting encounters
  • Moments of loneliness
  • Lack of security and support
  • The weight of responsibility

 For solo traveling rental car is the best option. You can rent a car in Islamabad from Carlay Car Rental.

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